Submitted by agnrm on Tue, 08/01/2017 - 2:54pm
The history of the soybean at the Delta Branch Experiment Station had humble beginnings in 1913 when it was first planted as a soil-building crop and as a forage crop for hog pasture. One objective of the early research was to compare soybeans with cowpeas as feed. Work continued in soybeans and other legumes into the late 1920s when the Delta Station developed a legume planter, which was both easy and economical to operate. In 1930, the Station was involved in a thriving seed business, primarily cottonseed, but small amounts of Laredo, Delsta, and Delnoshot soybeans were also included.
-100 Years of Agricultural Research, The Delta Branch Experiment Station (2004)
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Early research on soybean focused on its use for livestock feed
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